Spend Your Rewards Points

Spend your Garden Rewards Points in stores February 21-March 9!
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Soil Recipe
Better yields & bigger blooms start with improved soil.
Lawn Care Program
Everything you need to weed, feed & winterize your lawn for an entire year!
Lawn Care

Apply ferti•lome For All Seasons II Lawn Food Plus Crabgrass & Weed Preventer containing prodiamine now through mid April. This is the first step in Johnson’s ferti•lome Lawn Care Program for cool season grasses, like fescue.

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Plant Your Vegetables

Vegetable gardening moves into full swing in March. Plant seeds of beets, lettuce, peas, radishes, spinach and turnips. It’s also time to put out cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower plants, as well as asparagus, garlic, rhubarb, potatoes and onion plants or sets.

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Trees & Shrubs

ferti•lome Tree & Shrub Food is an easy, effective way to fertilize; just broadcast the granules around the entire area under the tree or shrub and water it in. For extra protection on stressed or insect susceptible trees use ferti•lome Tree & Shrub Systemic Insect Drench.

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Gift Cards

Make the gardener in your life smile with a gift card from Johnson's. Gift cards never expire, and they always ship for free.