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Photos with The Grinch

Get a free photo with Johnson's Grinch! Johnson's West: Saturday, November 23. Johnson's East: Sunday, November 24. Noon-3pm.
Going on now

Fall Nursery Sale

50% OFF TREES, SHRUBS, PERENNIAL & ANNUAL PLANTS. $10 PANSY FLATS. In store only. Excludes evergreens.
November & December

Holiday Workshops

A Johnson's holiday tradition!
While Supplies last

Permanent Greenery 20% Off

Like real evergreen wreaths, swags, garland & trees over 4'. See store for details.
ferti-lome Winterizer
Fall is the most critical time to fertilize your fescue lawn. Apply now & again in 30 days.
Plant now
Spring Flowering Bulbs
Plant your spring flowering bulbs now with Dutch Bulb Food.
Plant Bulbs

Yes! Spring flowering bulbs like crocus, daffodils, hyacinths and tulips are planted in the fall. You can plant for the next few months but shop now for the best selection.

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Fall is the best time to feed cool-season lawns (fescue, bluegrass, rye) with ferti•lome Winterizer. This fall fertilizing will help grass thicken up and grow after summer’s stress.

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Trees & Shrubs

Nursery stock that is planted in the fall has two cool seasons (fall and spring) to get established before having to deal with the heat and drought of Kansas summers.

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Gift Cards

Make the gardener in your life smile with a gift card from Johnson's. Gift cards never expire, and they always ship for free.