Fertilizing Trees & Shrubs

“Health Food” for Your Trees

Sometimes, people are unclear as to the best time, or even if it is really necessary to fertilize trees. The question of whether to fertilize is easily answered. Plants are like people. A healthy, well-balanced diet helps our overall well-being and vigor. Likewise with trees. Unfertilized trees are missing out on the “health food” that will benefit long-term growth, strength and resistance to insects and disease. In general, trees should be fed as follows:

• Large established trees - fertilize one time per year in the fall.
• Maturing trees - fertilize two times per year; spring and fall.
• Young trees - fertilize three times per year; spring, summer and fall. (Lightly fertilize fall-planted trees after the tree is dormant.)

We recommend ferti•lome Tree & Shrub Food as the perfect product to feed your trees of all sizes. There is no need to dig holes because Tree & Shrub Food is scientifically formulated to move down through the soil directly to the root system of the tree.

Apply Tree & Shrub Food 6-8" from the trunk of the tree to avoid damaging the bark. A fertilizer spreader may be used to ensure even application. Continue spreading to a point several feet beyond the drip line (the area on the ground covered by the widest spread of the branches). This is important since many fine tree roots extend well beyond the tree’s drip line. To get the most out of your fertilizer dollars, always water in Tree & Shrub Food as soon as possible.

How much ferti•lome Tree & Shrub Food do I need?
(2 cups = approximately 1 lb.)

4 lbs. Feeds:
5 Trees- 1 1/2 - 2” in Diameter
1 Tree- 7” in Diameter
10-15 Shrubs

20 lbs. Feeds:
10 Trees - 4” in Diameter
1 Tree - 24” in Diameter

Tree & Shrub Food is great for all types of shrubs and other landscape plants, too. Use it twice a year on evergreens, flowering shrubs, ornamental shrubs, vines and ground covers. Apply Tree & Shrub Food to these plants at a rate of 1/2 cup per sq. yd. of soil area and water in well. 

ferti-lome Tree & Shrub Food (16 lbs.)
ferti-lome Tree & Shrub Food (3.25 lbs.)

Fertilizing Trees

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