
Planting a Terrarium

Terrariums are mini-landscapes filled with several kinds of plants, either tropical or cactus, that need similar growing conditions. They can be planted in a wide assortment of containers, usually clear glass or plastic. 

Basic Steps for planting a Terrarium
• Choose your container.
• Add 1⁄4"- 1⁄2" layer of charcoal to keep soil fresh.
• Add approximately 2" of potting soil or enough to cover the roots.
• Prior to digging, place plants to work on the arrangement.
• Once you have the plants in the correct locations, dig holes.
• Place tallest plant in back if terrarium is to be viewed from one side; in middle if it will be viewed from all sides.
• Place other plants in relation to the tallest one.
• Loosen roots of plants prior to planting in holes.
• Place moss, bark, rock and decorative items on soil. Placing moss before placing decorative items will help secure soil and plants.
• Water gently with mister to moisten soil and pack it down. This can also be used to clean off leaves of plants.
• Clean glass after watering and enjoy!

Most terrariums want bright light, but not too much direct sunlight which is intensified by the glass walls. An East or North exposure window would be a good place for most tropical plants; cactus can take more sunlight.

Closed terrariums will stay moist for weeks or even months. Open terrariums will need water more often, but let it dry slightly between watering. Cactus need less water.

Because of the small amount of soil used, terrariums also need fertilizer, but not as much as other houseplants, since you don’t want to push the plants to grow. Use a balanced fertilizer like ferti•lome All Purpose Water Soluble Plant Food (20-20-20) at 1⁄4 strength about once a month.

ferti-lome All Purpose Water Soluble Plant Food (3 lbs.)
ferti-lome All Purpose Water Soluble Plant Food (8 oz.)
ferti-lome All Purpose Water Soluble Plant Food (12 lbs.)
ferti-lome All Purpose Water Soluble Plant Food (1.5 lbs.)


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