Houseplant Fertilizer

22 products

    Help your houseplants thrive with the right fertilizer! Here are our favorite houseplant fertilizers, including fertilizers for specialty plants like orchids, succulents, and cactus.
    22 products
    ferti-lome Houseplant Hero Orchid Plant Food (8 oz.)
    ferti-lome Houseplant Hero African Violet Plant Food (8 oz.)
    ferti-lome Houseplant Hero Succulent & Cactus Plant Food (8 oz.)
    ferti-lome Houseplant Hero All Purpose Houseplant Food (8 oz.)
    FoxFarm Bush Doctor Boomerang Comeback Formula (1 pt.)
    FoxFarm Bush Doctor Liquid Iron Micro-Nutrient (1 pt.)
    FoxFarm Bush Doctor Manganese Micro-Nutrient (1 pt.)
    FoxFarm Bush Doctor Cal-Mag Macro-Nutrients (1 pt.)
    Fox Farm Grow Big Hydroponic Plant Food (1 pint)
    Jack's Classic Liquid Orchid Food (8 oz.)
    FoxFarm Tiger Bloom Buds & Blooms Liquid Fertilizer (1 pt.)
    ferti-lome All Purpose Water Soluble Plant Food (1.5 lbs.)
    ferti-lome All Purpose Water Soluble Plant Food (3 lbs.)
    ferti-lome All Purpose Water Soluble Plant Food (12 lbs.)
    ferti-lome Blooming & Rooting Plant Food (8 oz.)
    ferti-lome Blooming & Rooting Plant Food (3 lbs.)
    ferti-lome Blooming & Rooting Plant Food (1.5 lbs.)
    ferti-lome Blooming & Rooting Plant Food (12 lbs.)
    Happy Frog Jump Start Fertilizer (4 lbs.)
    Happy Frog Cavern Culture Fertilizer (4 lbs.)
    Nature's Source All Purpose Plant Food (32 oz.)
    ferti-lome All Purpose Water Soluble Plant Food (8 oz.)
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