Potting Soil

10 products

    Choosing the right soil or growing media is the first step in successful gardening. For example, you'll often want a sterile, fine media for seed starting. Succulents, orchids, and flowering annual plants thrive in very different soils. Let us help you find what's right for your plants!
    10 products
    ferti-lome Ultimate Potting Mix (3 cu. ft.)
    ferti-lome Ultimate Potting Mix (50 qt.)
    ferti-lome Ultimate Potting Mix (8 qt.)
    Happy Frog Potting Soil (2 cu. ft.)
    Happy Frog Potting Soil (12 dry qts.)
    FoxFarm Ocean Forest Potting Soil (1.5 cu. ft.)
    Crump Greenhouse Cactus & Succulent Potting Mix (4 qt.)
    ferti-lome Ready-to-Use Cactus Potting Mix (4 qt.)
    Jiffy Natural & Organic Seed Starting Mix (12 dry qt.)
    ferti-lome Orchid Potting Mix (4 dry qt.)
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