ferti-lome 2-N-1 Systemic Insect & Disease Protection (32 oz.)

ferti-lome 2-N-1 Systemic Insect & Disease Protection (32 oz.)

ferti-lome 2-N-1 Systemic Insect & Disease Protection (32 oz.)

Regular price $19.99
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2-N-1 Systemic Insect & Disease Protection from ferti-lome provides up to six weeks of protection from insects, pests, and diseases. Use 2-N-1 Systemic on roses, flowers, and shrubs. Protects the entire plant, including new plant growth. No spraying; simply mix with water and pour around base of plant. Concentrated 32 oz. bottle. 

When should it be used? Begin using in the spring when plants are actively growing. Reapply every six weeks for a total of 3 applications per year. 
Where should it be used? Use on on roses, azaleas, iris, hibiscus, rhododendrons.
What insects are controlled?
 Controls adelgids, aphids, black vine weevil larvae, borers, flatheaded (including bronze birch and alder borers) borers, roundheaded (including eucalyptus longhorned borers), Japanese beetles, adult lace bugs, leaf beetles (including elm leaf beetles and viburnum leaf beetles), leafhoppers (including glassy-winged sharpshooters), leafminers (including birch leafminers and holly leafminers), mealybugs, pine tip moth larvae, psyllids, royal palm bugs, sawfly larvae, scales (including armored scale (suppression) and soft scale), thrips, and whiteflies.
What diseases are controlled? Black spot, powdery mildew, rust, and southern blight. 
What is the coverage area? Roses: 2 fl. oz. (4 tbsp) in 1 quart of water treats 1 plant. Flower Beds: 2 fl. oz. (4 tbsp) in 2 gallons of water treats 12 sq. ft. Azaleas, Camellias, Rhododendrons, and other shrubs: 1 fl. oz, (2 tbsp) in 1 quart of water per foot of plant height.
What is the active ingredient? Tebuconazole: alpha-[2-(4-chlorophenyl)ethyl]-alpha- (1,1-dimethylethyl)-]H-1,2,4-triazole-1-ethyl; Imidacloprid.
Is it safe for pets? When used as directed. Not labeled for use around ponds or when when bees are active.

Please read and follow all package instructions. 

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