ferti-lome Brush Killer Stump Killer (8 oz.)

ferti-lome Brush Killer Stump Killer (8 oz.)

ferti-lome Brush Killer Stump Killer (8 oz.)

Regular price $12.99
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Brush Killer Stump Killer from ferti-lome, now with a ready-to-use brush in the cap! Brush Killer Stump Killer is made to combat stump and vine regrowth after cutting. Controls a wide number of plants, including Douglas fir, elm, sumac, honeysuckle, poison ivy, poison oak, Virginia creeper, bindweed, clover, dandelion, henbit, ragweed, spurge, and wild violet. Apply undiluted to completely cover the fresh cut surface (within 45 minutes of cutting). Vine control: Cut the vine first and treat as directed for stump treatment. Always read and follow label directions. Active ingredient: Triclopyr. 8 oz. bottle. 

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