ferti-lome Green Come & Get It Slug & Snail Bait (1 LB.)

ferti-lome Green Come & Get It Slug & Snail Bait (1 LB.)

ferti-lome Green Come & Get It Slug & Snail Bait (1 LB.)

Regular price $14.99
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Snails and slugs can do a number on favorite plants like hosta or berries. Control them with granular ferti-lome Green Come & Get It Snail & Slug Bait. 1 lb. bottle.

When should it be used? When snails or slugs are present. 
Where should it be used? For use around vegetables, fruit trees, citrus, berries, ornamentals, shrubs, flowers, trees, lawns, gardens and in greenhouses.
What insects are controlled?
 Deroceras reticulatum (Field slug), Deroceras laeve (Smooth slug), Arion subfuscus (Dusky slug), Arion circumscriptus (Gray garden slug), Arion hortensis (Black field slug), Arion rufus (Large red slug), Arion ater (Large black slug), Limax flavus (Spotted garden slug), Limax tenellus (Slender slug), Ariolimax columbianus (Banana slug), Helix spp., Helicella spp., and Cepaea spp.
How is it applied? Spread around affected area.
What is the coverage area? Use a rate of 0.5-1 lb. per 1000 square feet, or for smaller areas, 0.15 oz., or 1 level teaspoon, per square yard, and scatter by hand or with granular spreaders. 
What is the active ingredient? Iron Phosphate 1%.
Is it safe for pets? Can be used around domestic animals, pets, and wildlife.

Please read and follow all package instructions. 

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