ferti-lome Green Spinosad Soap Ready-to-Use (32 oz.)

ferti-lome Green Spinosad Soap Ready-to-Use (32 oz.)

ferti-lome Green Spinosad Soap Ready-to-Use (32 oz.)

Regular price $13.99
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ferti-lome Green Spinosad Soap Spray controls ants, aphids, beetles (including Japanese beetles), leafminers, thrips, whiteflies, and other pests. Spinosad Spray is easy-to-use in the vegetable garden, lawn, flower bed, or greenhouse. 32 oz. ready-to-spray bottle. 

When should it be used? When insects are present.
Where should it be used? For use in the vegetable garden, lawn, flower bed, or greenhouse.
What insects are controlled?
 Adelgids, ants, aphids, armyworms, beetles including Colorado potato beetle, borers, caterpillars, chinch bugs, codling moth, earwigs, fruit flies, gypsy moth, Japanese beetles, lace bugs, leafhoppers, leafminers, leafrollers, loopers, mealybugs, mites, mole crickets, plant bugs, psyllids, sawfly larvae, scale insects, spider mites, tent caterpillars, thrips, webworms, weevils, and whiteflies.
How is it applied? Thoroughly spray all plant parts to wetting, including undersides of leaves.
What is the active ingredient? Potassium salts of fatty acids and spinosad. 
Is it safe for pets? When used as directed. Not labeled for use around ponds or when when bees are active. 

Formerly Natural Guard Spinosad Soap Ready-to-Use (32 oz.) 40694
Please read and follow all package instructions. 

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