ferti-lome Over-The-Top Grass Killer (8 oz.)

ferti-lome Over-The-Top Grass Killer (8 oz.)

ferti-lome Over-The-Top Grass Killer (8 oz.)

Regular price $33.99
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Over-The-Top Grass Killer from ferti-lome is your one-stop selective herbicide for eliminating weedy grasses without injuring desirable plants. Over-The-Top kills most annual and hard-to-kill perennial grasses up to 1 foot high, in one or two applications. Younger, actively growing seedling weeds are more easily killed than older, mature, well-established grassy weeds which may require a repeat application for control. Kills Bermudagrass, crabgrass, foxtails, quackgrass, and many other weedy grasses. 8 oz. liquid concentrate. 

When should it be used? Works best when applied to actively growing weeds and grasses.
Where should it be used? Can be used on vegetables, gardens, trees, shrubs, ornamentals and ground covers. Use wherever weedy grasses occur. Not for use around ponds. 
What grasses are prevented? Barnyardgrass, Bermudagrass, broadleaf signalgrass, crabgrass large, crabgrass smooth, fall panicum, foxtail giant, foxtail green, foxtail yellow, goosegrass, johnsongrass seedling, johnsongrass rhizome, junglerice, lovegrass, orchardgrass seedling, quackgrass, tall fescue-seedling, Texas panicum, shattercane/wildcane, wild Proso millet, wirestem muhly, witchgrass, wooly cupgrass.
What is the coverage area? Concentrate makes 8 gallons of spray solution. One gallon of spray will treat 1,800 square feet.
How is it applied? Mix with water and apply using a sprayer. For best coverage, add Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker or an oil concentrate. 
What is the active ingredient? Sethoxydim: 2-[1(ethoxyimino)butyl]- 5-[2-(ethylthio)propyl]-3-hydroxy-2- cyclohexen-1-one. 
Is it safe for pets? Keep pets away from treated area until spray has dried. 

Please read and follow all package instructions.

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