Hi-Yield Killzall Quick Weed and Grass Killer (1 gal.)

Hi-Yield Killzall Quick Weed and Grass Killer (1 gal.)

Hi-Yield Killzall Quick Weed and Grass Killer (1 gal.)

Regular price $34.99
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When dealing with tough weeds, you need the fastest Killzall Weed & Grass Killer on the market! Hi-Yield Killzall Quick is a non-selective systemic weed and grass killer that will get rid of nearly all vegetation – roots and all. Use Killzall in and around lawns, driveways, parking areas, between stepping stones and bricks, flower beds, trees and shrubs. Special care should be taken to avoid spraying desired vegetation. We recommend using a piece of cardboard to shield desired plants. Killzall Quick is rainproof in 10 minutes, and reaches the roots in 1 to 2 hours. Visible results in as little as 3 hours. May be applied when temperatures are as low as 50 degrees. 1 gallon bottle with sprayer.  

When should it be used? Use when weeds are present and temperatures are at least 50 degrees. 
Where should it be used? Use in and around lawns, driveways, parking areas, between stepping stones and bricks, flower beds, trees, and shrubs. Special caution should be taken to avoid spraying desired vegetation.
What weeds are prevented? Kills all types of weeds and grasses, including bermudagrass, bindweed, chickweed, crabgrass, dandelion, fescue, spurge, henbit, ragweed, yellow nutgrass, zoysia, and many others. 
How is it applied? Spray weeds and grasses until thoroughly wet. 
What is the active ingredient? Contains 2% glyphosate and 2% pelargonic acid. 
Is it safe for pets? Safe for pets once the area has dried. 

Please read and follow all package instructions.

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