Hi-Yield Systemic Insect Spray (32 oz.)

Hi-Yield Systemic Insect Spray (32 oz.)

Hi-Yield Systemic Insect Spray (32 oz.)

Regular price $24.99
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Hi-Yield Systemic Insect Spray is a perfect way to provide long-lasting insect protection. Simply attach to a garden hose to spray and the roots will absorb this systemic insecticide and move it through the entire plant. Provides 2-4 weeks of protection. Use on flowers, trees, shrubs, lawns, and listed fruits and nuts. Concentrated 32 oz. ready-to-spray bottle. Always read and follow label directions. 

When should it be used? When insects are present. 
Where should it be used? On roses, flowers, and shrubs. Do not apply near ponds, lakes, or streams.
What insects are controlled? Adelgids, annual bluegrass weevil, aphids, billbugs, bluegrass weevils, chinch bug (suppression), cutworms (suppression), elm leaf beetle, European crane fly larvae, lacebugs, leafhoppers, leafminers, mealybugs, mole crickets, sawfly larvae, sod webworm, thrips, whiteflies, white grubs (including larvae of Asiatic garden beetle, black turfgrass ataenius, chafers, Japanese beetle, May or June beetle, and oriental beetle).
How is it applied? Using a hose end applicator.
What is the active ingredient? Imidacloprid. 

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