ferti-lome Tomato & Pepper Set Spray (32 oz.)

ferti-lome Tomato & Pepper Set Spray (32 oz.)

ferti-lome Tomato & Pepper Set Spray (32 oz.)

Regular price $9.99
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Tomato and Pepper Set from ferti-lome gives you more control over blossom set on tomatoes, beans, cucumbers, eggplants, melons, okra, peppers, strawberries, and grapes. Tomato and Pepper Set promotes flowering and increases fruit yield, while helping to reduce end rot. When used on tomato plants, nearly every blossom will produce larger, meatier tomatoes that ripen up to 3 weeks earlier than average. Active ingredient is a natural plant hormone. Use in one-to-two week intervals as blossoms appear. 32 oz. ready-to-use spray. Please read and follow all package instructions. 

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