ferti-lome Fruit Tree Spray (16 oz.)

ferti-lome Fruit Tree Spray (16 oz.)

ferti-lome Fruit Tree Spray (16 oz.)

Regular price $28.99
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Successful fruit trees take special care. ferti-lome Fruit Tree Spray is a multi-purpose insecticide, fungicide, and miticide. Fruit Tree Spray provides control of insect eggs and larvae, as well as adult insects including aphids, spider mites, scale, mealy bugs, white flies, and tent caterpillars. It also controls rust, leaf spot, powdery mildew, tip blight and other diseases. Designed for use on fruit and nut trees, vegetables, herbs, roses, houseplants, flowering plants, shrubs and turfgrass. Can be used up until the day of harvest. Concentrated formula. Mix 1 oz. to 1 gallon of water. 16 oz. bottle. Always read and follow label directions. 

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