Hi-Yield Herbicide Enhancer (16 oz.)

Hi-Yield Herbicide Enhancer (16 oz.)

Hi-Yield Herbicide Enhancer (16 oz.)

Regular price $6.99
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Hi-Yield Herbicide Enhancer contains four key ingredients – AMS, Defoamer, Drift Reduction Solution, and Surfactant – to improve the effectiveness of herbicides and reduce application risks. We recommend using it to really boost the success of herbicides like Killzall. AMS helps to condition hard water for better uptake. Defoamer minimizes foaming during mixing and spraying. Drift Reduction Solution reduces drift. Surfactant improves leaf adhesion. Use 1 to 6 ounces per gallon for optimal results. 16 oz. liquid solution. Always read and follow package directions.

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