Feathered Friend Shell-less Select Wild Bird Food (5 lbs.)

Feathered Friend Shell-less Select Wild Bird Food (5 lbs.)

Feathered Friend Shell-less Select Wild Bird Food (5 lbs.)

Regular price $17.99
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We're now carrying Shell-less Select Wild Bird Food. It's high in fat content, which is great for wild birds, especially during the winter months. It contains no shells, so there's no mess, no waste, and no seed germination. It contains hulled sunflower hearts, millet, peanuts and pistachio. It can be used in all types of feeders, attracting all your songbirds (goldfinches, nuthatches, chickadees, juncos, house finches, cardinals and more). For use in tube, hopper or platform bird feeders. We're very happy with this selection (and so are the birds!) 5 lb. bag.
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