Hi-Yield Killzall Weed & Grass Killer (32 oz.)

Hi-Yield Killzall Weed & Grass Killer (32 oz.)

Hi-Yield Killzall Weed & Grass Killer (32 oz.)

Regular price $24.99
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When you're preparing to re-seed your lawn, you need Hi-Yield Killzall Weed & Grass Killer. Killzall Weed & Grass Killer is also formulated for spot treatment of individual weeds and grasses. Use near fences, on paths, patios, curbs, sidewalks, driveways, around trees, shrubs, flower beds, and buildings. Ultra formula with surfactant dries on fast. Killzall Weed & Grass Killer is rainfast in as little as two hours. Because Killzall is a non-selective weed control, it's important to keep it off desirable plants, grasses, and vegetation. 1 quart (32 fl. oz.) super concentrated formula.

When should it be used? Works best when applied to actively growing weeds and grasses.
Where should it be used? Use near fences, on paths, patios, curbs, sidewalks, driveways, around trees, shrubs, flower beds, and buildings. Use to remove weeds and grasses in a large area before lawn re-seeding. 
What weeds are prevented? Annual ryegrass, annual bluegrass, black medic, bromegrass, bur clover, chickweed, clover, common ragweed, crabgrass, dog fennel, evening primrose, false dandelion, fiddleneck, field pennycress, field sandbur, foxtail, garden spurge, henbit, horseweed/marestail, mouseear chickweed, oxalis, pennywort, prostrate spurge, purslane, sandspur, spurges, wild geranium, yellow nutgrass, yellow oxalis, and many other annual grasses and weeds.
What is the coverage area? For best results use 2 1/2 fl. ozs. (5 Tbs.) per 1 gallon of water. One gallon of water will treat approximately 300 sq. ft. One quart (32 oz.) covers up to 6,400 sq. ft. 
How is it applied? Apply using a tank-type sprayer. 
What is the active ingredient? Glyphosate.
Is it safe for pets? Keep pets away from treated area until spray has dried.

Please read and follow all label directions.

Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker (16 oz.)
Hi-Yield Killzall Quick Weed and Grass Killer (1 gal.)
Hi-Yield Killzall Weed & Grass Killer (32 oz.)
Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker (1 gal.)
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